Provisional counts of the number of deaths registered in England and Wales, by age, sex and region, from week commencing 8th January 2010 to 3rd April 202.
Data frame with five columns
character, containing the names of the groups for counts, for example "Total deaths", "all ages".
character, subcategory of names of groups where necessary, for example details of region: "East", details of age bands "15-44".
numeric, numbers of deaths in whole numbers and average numbers with decimal points. To retain the integrity of the format this column data is left as character.
date, format is yyyy-mm-dd; all dates are a Friday.
integer, each week in a year is numbered sequentially.
Collected by Zoë Turner, Apr-2020 from https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/weeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales
Source and licence acknowledgement
This data has been made available through Office of National Statistics under the Open Government Licence http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/
# create a dataset that is "wide" with each date as a column
ons_mortality |>
select(-week_no) |>
names_from = date,
values_from = counts
#> # A tibble: 97 × 537
#> category_1 category_2 `2010-01-08` `2010-01-15` `2010-01-22` `2010-01-29`
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Total deaths all ages 12968 12541 11762 11056
#> 2 Total deaths average o… 12050 12600 11692. 11069.
#> 3 All respirato… v 2001 2345 2293 1955 1698
#> 4 Persons Under 1 y… 61 69 66 68
#> 5 Persons 01-14 24 29 18 21
#> 6 Persons 15-44 299 331 347 336
#> 7 Persons 45-64 1570 1465 1392 1300
#> 8 Persons 65-74 2049 1860 1781 1666
#> 9 Persons 75-84 3952 3883 3501 3359
#> 10 Persons 85+ 5012 4902 4654 4305
#> # ℹ 87 more rows
#> # ℹ 531 more variables: `2010-02-05` <dbl>, `2010-02-12` <dbl>,
#> # `2010-02-19` <dbl>, `2010-02-26` <dbl>, `2010-03-05` <dbl>,
#> # `2010-03-12` <dbl>, `2010-03-19` <dbl>, `2010-03-26` <dbl>,
#> # `2010-04-02` <dbl>, `2010-04-09` <dbl>, `2010-04-16` <dbl>,
#> # `2010-04-23` <dbl>, `2010-04-30` <dbl>, `2010-05-07` <dbl>,
#> # `2010-05-14` <dbl>, `2010-05-21` <dbl>, `2010-05-28` <dbl>, …